Repeated measurements of dyads performance and subjective situation awareness
A dataset containing three repeated measures of dyads (paired participants) working together to capture High Value Targets (lower task time is better performance) and their averaged Mission Awareness Rating Scale (MARS) score for each block, repeated three times. MARS evaluates subjective situation awareness (”knowing what is going on”), higher values indicate better situation awareness.
A data frame with 84 rows (28 dyads/pairs) and 4 variables
[,1] | Pair | Unique identifer for each dyad |
[,2] | HVT_capture | Capture time |
[,3] | MARS | subjective situation awareness |
[,4] | Source Reliability | 1 = none, 2 = accurate, and 3 = inaccurate |
Marusich et al. (2016). Effects of information availability on command-and-control decision making: performance, trust, and situation awareness. Human Factors, 58(2), 301-321, doi:10.1177/0018720815619515